Dog food in REST Compile & Describe

A lot of companies, including the one I work for, are eating their own dog food as a means of improving the overall quality of their products. I am planning to follow this pattern in REST Describe & Compile, that is to say in the Grammars and Namespace Discoverer modules. I am thinking of a module that uses code created by REST Compile, and then executes this code in order to retrieve the namespaces and particular XML schemas a certain web service uses. So the process flow would be:
- Analyze a request URI and generate a first reqest-based WADL
- Use this WADL file to generate request code
- Execute the generated code on the server, i.e. place a real API request
- Harvest the returned response and discover the contained namespaces and XML schemas
- Refine the previously generated WADL, and add the response-based WADL information
- Return the final version of the WADL
- Return the final version of the code with proper response handling
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