
APIlity Agua 1.13.0 Released

APIlity Agua 1.13.0 Released

It has been a long time, but finally also APIlity Agua, the Ajax GUI for AdWords has been released into the wild. The new version APIlity Agua 1.13.0 adds the latest v12/v13 features of AdWords (mainly firstPageCpc and qualityScore in KeywordCriterion objects), and speeds up Campaign and AdGroup retrieval by using the faster functions getActiveCampaigns and getActiveAdGroups.

It is amazing how dynamic the open source scene around APIlity is. As I was not able to work on Agua due to a two-month trip around Europe for the Google Developer Days 2008, Marco T. has worked on an unofficial version of APIlity Agua. Hats off for this effort, and a huge "thank you", Marco! If you happen to read this blog, I'd be happy to link to your site if you have one. Just leave a comment, or drop me a mail.

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