Contractions are back
It has been an unquiet night so far. Doctors come in with the antibiotics whenever Laura catches a little sleep, and if it's not the docs coming in, it's the neighbors running out. Hospitals are by far the least relaxing locations I can think of. There are 10 (read binary) types of people here: those who have already delivered, and those who are yet to have the baby. While the first group wanders around trying to make the new-born sleep, the second group wanders around trying to make the baby come out. Actually, the second group is sub-divided in happy couples like Laura and me, where the husband cares and tries to assist, and the other sub-group of the poor lonely women. They hang around in the corridor heavily breathing into their cell phones because their partners cannot make it to the hospital for whatever reasons. This must be real horror. Glad I can support Laura a bit better than that. She is off for another examination right now where I am not permitted. It's in these examination breaks where I write all these posts, just in case someone was wondering. Each exam takes like 45 minutes, an eternity if you are waiting for your baby to be born. Thank God contractions have started again now…